TTP Toilety Drive Campaign

Once at wish list - select items, add to cart, select El Paso Elks 187 shipping address and payment method & place order.
To further grow community awareness of our lodge and our TTP Outreach campaign we are happy to share our first TTP campaign :30 TV spot that will run now through December, on various Spectrum cable channels! Over 2,700 commercials aired in 2023. Cable Networks included: FX, TV Land, Travel Channel, Paramount, AMC, Animal Planet, BET, CNBC, ENT, Hallmark, Headline news, Msnbc, Sci-fi, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Tru & VH1.
Thrilled to announce our lodge’s TTP Toiletries Outreach project took 3rd place in national Community Project
Contest for 2023-24 for division II. Couldn’t be more proud of our lodge and "Congratulations" everyone!

'23 Q4 TTP Recap!
What a fabulous way to end 2023!! We close out the year with a grand total of over $49,700 provided back to our community with the TTP program.
We are extremely proud and grateful to everyone who assisted us in 4th quarter, a grand total of $32,480 was provided back to our community serving over 30 non profit organizations, veteran’s groups and families and local elementary schools, in need. Together, we are making a difference in our community.
November was an amazing month of giving back to our community!! Our lodge collected food and assembled 100 Thanksgiving boxes filled with toiletries and Thanksgiving dinner items, various other food items and $20 gift cards to purchase ham or turkeys. These food boxes and toiletries were distributed to families in need, various veteran organizations and 10 school area school counselors, who identified children in need.
Schools included:
Hernando Middle School
Parkland Elementary
Vista del Sol Elementary
Red Sands Elementary
Helen Ball Elementary
Del Valle Elementary
Diana Davenport Elementary
Purple Heart Elementary
Canyon Hills Elementary
Canutillo Elementary School
Veteran organizations also received 15 food boxes and toiletries to include the Veterans Treatment Court, HUDVASH and GI Forum. Plus, 60 boxes of additional food were provided.
In December, we distributed toiletries, hygiene, products, and toys. Big heartfelt to everyone who volunteered, collected, sorted, delivered, boxed donations. Also a sincere “thank you” to Dollar General who generously collected toy donations in December, helping us to provide toys and toiletries to our community and helping El Pasoan’s in need. Huge gratitude to DJ Toy Drive for collecting hundreds of toys. Toothbrush and toothpaste were included in stockings that were distributed to hundreds of kids on Christmas Day. Over $12,500 given back to the community (toys and toiletries). We were also able to assist Canyon Hills Middle School with 10 Christmas food boxes and toiletry bags filled with toiletry and hygiene products which were provided to student families in need. We were also so proud to assist Project Amistad agency, serving elderly, persons with disabilities and persons-at-risk, Lee & Beulah Moor Children’s Home who supports children and families in the El Paso region who are experiencing difficulty in their lives, and The Advocacy Center for the Children of El Paso that advocates for child victims of severe physically and/or sexually abuse, with a wide variety of toiletries. 100 Elk’s lodge identified toiletry bags were delivered to 10 elementary schools containing toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo/conditioner, and body soap. In December, toiletries and toys valued at over $17,480 were provided to El Pasoans in need.
'23 Q3 TTP Recap!
In Q3 the TTP program assisted 14 organizations with needed toiletries valued at over $10,478.
Ciudad Nueva Comm. Outreach
St. Vincent Clinic
Parkland school
El Paso County Sheriff’s Dept
Helen Ball
VA POC “Center for Development & Civic Engagement”
HUD Vash
Advocacy Center for Childen
Lee and Beulah Children’s Home
Adult Protection Svc -Silver Room
YMCA Armed Services
Reynolds Home
Ft Bliss Fisher House
“Thank you” to everyone who donates, volunteers and supports our TTP campaign.
'23 Q2 TTP Recap!
Our TTP program assisted 10 organizations:
-Ciudad Nueva Comm. Outreach
-St. Vincent Clinic
-Parkland school
-El Paso County Sheriff’s Dept
-Helen Ball
-VA POC “Center for Development
& Civic Engagement”
-HUD Vash
-Advocacy Center for Childen
-Lee and Beulah children’s home
-Adult Protection Svc -Silver
Total value given back to our community was over $5,150.
Thank you to everyone who supported our TTP program in Q2!! We appreciate “each of YOU”!!! 🤩👏💜
Q1 TTP Recap!
The Q1 distribution drives provided over $1,600 to assist our community. A total of 4 local schools and veterans groups received toiletries items during our Q1 TTP distribution drive. Helen Ball Elementary, Del Valle Elementary School, 30 toiletry bags were provided to HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program for homeless Veterans. Plus 40 toiletry bags were provided to military nurse students.
Wow! What an Extremely Busy and AMAZING Q4
El Paso Elks Lodge 187 extended an invite to all New Mexico Elks lodges to host their own TTP campaign, fully funded by El Paso Elks lodge. Four NM Elks lodges participated (Albuquerque, Deming, Elephant Butte and Silver City, NM.) Each lodge a turn-key TTP community program, including lodge specific TP logos, posters, social posts, sample press releases, campaign evaluation forms, etc.
We encouraged participating NM lodges from July-October to collect additional toiletries from their lodge members, family, friends, and their communities to enhance the impact of their TTP program.
Each participating NM lodge received a "TTP Toiletries" Amazon package which included toilet pa-per, shampoo, conditioner, body soap, toothbrush, and toothpaste. To give you an idea, most of these lodges received 8 or more cases of TP, plus several cases of shampoo, conditioner, body soap, toothbrushes, and toothpaste. We provided over $5,000 total worth of toiletries to these 4 lodges, paid 100% by our lodge.
A total of 11 NM organizations were helped and included: Sierra House Women’s & Children’s Shelter, Silver City Gospel Mission, Gospel Mission, Hot Springs High School, Deming Public School Migrant program, Deming High School, Silver Linings Homeless, the Department of Equity DPS, New Beginnings, Under His Construction and God’s Works!
We are proud to announce that 11 organizations benefited with over $23,897 in toiletries and goods that were distributed to these NM Elks lodge communities through our TTP program.
"Alone, we can do so little; TOGETHER, we can do so much" - Helen Keller.
On the home front, our lodge also collected food and assembled 134 Thanksgiving boxes filled with toiletries and Thanksgiving dinner items, various other food items and $20 gift cards to purchase ham or turn-keys. These food boxes and toiletries were distributed to families in need, the elderly and various veteran organizations and area school counselors, who identify kids in need. Over $11,000 given back to our community at Thanksgiving.
In December, toiletry and toy collection drives were held at Dollar General stores. We were able to distribute toiletries and toys to 5 area schools, two nonprofit veterans’ organizations and St Vincent Clinic and Ciudad Nueva nonprofits. Over $7118 given back in December. In Q4 El Paso Elks TTP program has provided over $42,352 to the community.
Year to date TTP provided over $169,816 back to our community.
We exceeded internal campaign goals as Q4 distribution drives provided over $42,352 back to our community. More than 9 local nonprofits and veterans groups in El Paso received toiletries items during our TTP distribution drives. Additionally, we increased ELKS awareness by assisting 4 NM Elks lodges and 11 of their community organizations by providing them with turn-key TTP program and over $23,897 in toiletries and goods.
El Paso Elk's Lodge 187
Charitable Work Is What We Do Best!
JOINING FORCES with New Mexico Lodges!
“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much” – Helen Keller.
This month was special and an amazing way to close out Q3. As you may or may not know, El Paso Elks Lodge 187 TTP Outreach program provides needed toiletry items (toilet paper, shampoo/conditioner/ body soap, toothbrush and toothpaste) to local non-profits, poor schools, veterans etc. These basic items are proven to provide self-dignity and self-worth and promotes overall well-being and good health. This year, to date, we’ve provided over $161,690 in toiletries and items, to the El Paso community, with this program alone!
We’ve worked extremely hard over the past five years to make this campaign successful and wanted to expand the program, to assist “more” people - while “collaborating together” with our fellow lodges!
A few months ago, we extended an invite to all New Mexico lodges to host their own TTP campaign, fully funded by El Paso Elks lodge. Four NM Elks lodges participated (Albuquerque, Deming, Elephant Butte and Silver City.) We provided each lodge a turn-key TTP community program, including lodge specific TTP logos, posters, social posts, sample press releases and campaign evaluation forms. We also were available for any questions along the way.
We encouraged participating NM lodges from July-September to collect additional toiletries from their lodge members, family, friends, and their communities to enhance the impact of their TTP program.
Then, at the end of September, each participating NM lodge received a “TTP Toiletries” Amazon package which included toilet paper, shampoo,conditioner, body soap, toothbrush and toothpaste. To give you an idea, most of these lodges received 8 or more cases of TP, plus several cases of shampoo, conditioner, body soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste.
We are eagerly waiting for these lodges to wrap up their distribution drives and can’t wait to congratulate each of them. Several NM local organizations were helped including local veterans groups, local non profits and more. We will provide more details and pictures next month. “Thank You” to each of the NM lodges who participated and for all your extra efforts to help your communities! 💜 We are so proud to be part of it and hope the impact in your communities was grand!!!
“Together we ARE making a difference,” in our community.
2022 Q3 TTP Campaign
What a great month!! El Paso Elks lodge #187 celebrated 🎉 131 years of serving the El Paso community, by giving back!!!
We are proud to announce that our August TTP collection and distribution drive is complete and we provided over $14,000 back to our community. More than 15 local nonprofits and veterans groups received toiletries items during our TTP distribution drive! Way to go team 187!! 👏💜
Also we’re thankful to NMEA President Hitchcock for his visit!
He was able to experience first-hand the TTP campaign and our lodge team members hard at work and was touched by all the testimonials given by several non profits! The day was ended with a great 131st Anniversary Dinner Celebration at the lodge!!
Huge shout out and “thank you” everyone who donated toiletries. We appreciate it so much and every donation counts and makes a difference!!
2022 Q2 TTP Campaign
We are proud to announce that our Q2 TTP collection and distribution drives are complete and we’ve provided over $55,730.36 back to our community with toiletry packages and sanitary products to the following organizations:
Organizations who benefited included:
Anthony Elementary
Livesay-chavez Post 122
Magoffin Haven
St Anthony
Texas Workforce Solutions Borderplex
St. Marks
Canutillo Schools
St Stephens Church
Nuevo Cuidad
Zen Martial Arts
Opportunity Center
CAFE Golf Tournament
Deanna Davenport School
Eastwood High Special Needs
Helen Ball Elementary School
VTLC & Magoffin
Anthonv Elementary
Elks Lodge Ruidoso
Elks Lodge Silver City
Elks Lodge Alamogordo
Elks Lodge Deming
Elks Lodge Las Vegas
A special and heartfelt "Thank You" to all that volunteer their time and talents week after week.💕🙂. "Together, we ARE “Making a Difference in our Community!”
2022 Q1 TTP Campaign
“Together we ARE making a difference,” in our community. We are proud to announce that our Q1 TTP collection and distribution drives were able to provide needed toiletry items along with cleaning supplies, and sanitizer and antibacterial wipes to several local nonprofits and schools in the El Paso community. Recipients included Garcia Elementary, Deanna Davenport School, Las crusces High School, Opportunity Center, Salvation Army, St Vencent Clinic, Purple Heart School and the VTLC. Over $37,000 was given back to our community. WAY TO GO! 👍🏼👏👏💜
We would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank You” to Dollar General, for their continued support and generous donations, which allows our lodge to provide needed items throughout our community. Please support your closest Dollar General store and look for our toy collection boxes at the front of the stores.
A special and heartfelt "Thank You" to all that volunteer their time and talents week after week.💕🙂. "Together, we ARE “Making a Difference in our Community!”


TTP Campaign Testimonials

2021 TTP (Toiletry Drive) Annual Summary!
What an absolutely amazing year and we could not be more humbled and thankful. Over $200,000 given back to the El Paso Community, to more than 30 non-profit organizations, veterans groups and families in need!! Thanks to EVERYONE who helped, donated and distributed items, in 2021.
21 Q4 TTP Toiletry Collections & Distribution Drive
2021 Wrap up. Through this program, our lodge contributed over $200,000 back to our community in 2021, with $6,500 support from ENF Impact Grant. WAY TO GO!
Very happy to announce we have been awarded $4500 for the Impact Grant renewal to continue our TTP toiletries outreach program efforts. And Collection drives have begun.
We will need and ask everyone of our members and chartered organizations to donate toiletries help thought out the year, starting with our 1st Quarter TTP collection drive. One or two packages of toilet paper each month, from each member, would assist us greatly.
To kick this off, a huge shoutout and “Thank you” to our Boyscout troop 187 for their generous collection and donation of toiletries. Way to go!! 🙌👏💜

21 Q3 - 130th Celebration & TTP Toiletry Collections!
23 Nonprofits Helped...Over $27,900 Given Back to Our Community in Q3!!!

130th Celebration & TTP Toiletry Collections
We will continue TTP drives in Q3 benefitting various local non-profits, schools, veterans and needy families have been and will continue to receive toiletry items, clothing, toys, food and other household items through our TTP program.

21 TTP Q2 (Toiletry Drives)
Our 2nd Quarter community outreach Charity and Giving programs are off to an amazingly strong start. Various local non-profits, schools, veterans and needy families have been and will continue to receive toiletry items, clothing, toys, food and other household items through our TTP program.
We’d like to thank Larry E. Floyd & El Paso Baptist Association, for blessing Elks Lodge 187 with over 4,500 food boxes & 4,500 gallons of milk to distribute to people in need. That’s over $171,000 in food & $4,800 in toiletries!!! Way to go Elks volunteers for proving again that “Elk’s Care & Elks Share!”
We would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank You” to Dollar General, for their continued support and generous donations, which allows our lodge to provide needed items throughout our community. Please support your closest Dollar General store.
A special and heartfelt thank you to all that volunteer their time and talents week after week.💕🙂. "Together, we ARE “Making a Difference in our Community!”
June 9, 2021:

June 7 2021:

June 4, 2021:

21 TTP Q1 (Toiletry Drives)

With the assistance of the Dollar General and the El Paso Baptist Association, our TTP campaign continues to assist the El Paso community. This week, over 190 boxes of food and 50 toiletry bags were provided to Purple Heart, Deanna Davenport, Vista Del Sol, Gadsden Independent School District, plus veterans from Endeavor. Together, we are making a difference in our community!

Troop 187 Collection of Toiletries!
Huge "Thank You" to our outstanding Troop 187 for their toiletry collection efforts. Many people will benefit from these toiletry collections!

2020 TTP (Toiletry Drive) Summary!
Amazing year and we could not be more humbled or thankful. Over $110,000 given back to the El Paso Community, to more than 30 non-profit organizations, veterans groups and families in need!! Thanks to EVERYONE who helped, donated and distributed items, in 2020.
20 Q4 -TTP (Toiletry Drive) !
13 Local Non-Profits Served!!

20 Q4 - Please support Elks Lodge 187 TTP (Toiletry Drive)

20 Q3 -TTP (Toiletry Drive) !
15 Local Non-Profits Served!!

20 Q1 & Q2 -TTP (Toiletry Drive) !
10 Local Non-Profits Served!!

2019 ttp tOILETRY dRIVES
19 4th qUARTER TTP (Toiletry Drive) Part 1 of 2
19 4th qUARTER TTP (Toiletry Drive) Part 2 of 2
ktsm weather fest TTP toiletry collection tv spot
Join us at ktsm weather fest
KTSM Weather Fest elk's Interview
19 1ST qUARTER TTP (Toiletry Drive)
19 3rd qUARTER TTP (Toiletry Drive)
19 2ND qUARTER TTP (Toiletry Drive)
2019 ttp tOILETRY dRIVE- receipiant testimonials
Elks Lodge 187 TTP Campaign Wins National Award - 2 Years in a Row!

2018 ttp tOILETRY dRIVES
OCTOBER TTP (Toiletry drive - collection request)
El Paso's First Space Festival at the Elks Lodge in September PRE-PROMOTE
august TTP (Toiletry Drive)
over 13,000 items donated
to local non-profits in
July - TTP Campaign drive
July TTP Campaign please
El Paso's First Space Festival EVENT at the Elks Lodge in September!
sEPTEMBER TTP (Toiletry Drive-collection request)
TTP Campaign drive - RETRO
"TTP Campaign wins elks
National award - 1st place in "Community project" Contest

winners announced "BSA \
TTP Challenge"
bsa TTP toiletry drive
winner announced "PAY IT

ABOUT TTP Toiletry Drives at Lodge 187
About TTP Toiletries Drive CAMPAIGN
To help celebrate Elks 150th Anniversary in 2018, Elks Lodge 187 was excited to announce our first Annual TTP (Toiletries) Community Outreach Campaign. We asked local schools, various businesses, and El Pasoans to support our valuable community campaign through toiletry product donations, volunteering, and asked businesses to consider being toiletries collection points.
THE NEED: El Paso non-profit organizations are in need of basic toiletries to meet the demand of their communities in their facilities. The TTP campaign will address these basic needs and endeavor to fill this breach in our community. Hygiene and health are intimately interwoven. Research has shown that basic hygiene products (toilet paper, tooth brush/paste, body wash/soap) are essential and can change a person’s life by providing a sense of self and overall better health. The mission of the TTP campaign is enhance the quality of life - in the El Paso community, making it a better place to live. The campaign goal is to assist numerous local non-profit agencies throughout the year, that assist people in need.
WHY IS LODGE 187 DOING THIS PROJECT: El Paso Elks was founded in 1891 and has always provided support to the El Paso Community, it's youth, veterans and people with disabilities. We developed the annual TTP campaign in order to make a greater community impact and extend our charitable services, applied for and received the IMPACT GRANT for 2018. The TTP campaign will allow Elks Lodge 187 to assist many local non profits, by providing the basic necessities - which in turn, will allow these organizations to better serve their communities.
WHO WILL BENEFIT / RECEIVE TOILETRIES COLLECTED: Local organizations serving low income families, homeless & transitional living centers, veterans organizations, family & children’s violence centers, elderly care and persons with disabilities organizations, to name a few.
DONATIONS WE ARE SEEKING: We are asking the El Pasoans and Elks members to donate toiletries (toilet paper, tooth paste/brushes, shampoo/conditioner, & body wash) and we are always in need of volunteers.
WHEN ARE THE LODGE TTP TOILETRY DRIVES: The lodge will be hosting quarterly TTP toiletry collection & distribution drives at the Elks Lodge, on 4 designated Saturday's, per quarter, from 11-1p.
o Sorting and organizing toiletry items
o Working with others to load / unload toiletry collections
o Working with other team volunteers to assemble toiletry packaging for pick-up and delivery
o Greeting walk-in donors and non-profit organizations who are picking up items
o Assisting with cleaning up after each collection drive
We are inviting student volunteers that need community service hours, to help.
Students will benefit by:
engaging in the valuable work of helping others
practicing life skills such as organizing
problem solving/decision making
increased communication skills
strengthening teamwork/cooperation skills
building self confidence and sense of empowerment that comes from reaching out and helping others and practicing good citizenship by making a difference in our community
CAN TOILETRIES BE ORDERED ONLINE & SHIPPED DIRECTLY TO THE LODGE?: We've also set up an AMAZON.COM TTP WISH LIST: To order toiletries online that will ship directly to lodge 187, please click link below to be directed to the EL PASO ELKS 187 - TTP WISHLIST ON AMAZON.COM
HOW IS TTP BEING PROMOTED TO THE COMMUNITY: The lodge is actively promoting the TTP campaign through monthly event submissions to various El Paso media channels including press releases, TTP Facebook page and paid posts, twitter along with on-air interviews and our website
Should you have questions or need further information please reach out to Cheryl Kelly 433-7335 or Tori Scott 727-0498. We will be happy to assist any way we can. Additionally, should you know of any businesses that might be interested in becoming a TTP Toiletries collection location, or has employee volunteer programs, please provide/share this info or provide the lodge with the business contact information and we'll do the rest. We have TTP flyers, posters, boxes etc. that are available. We also ask every Elks Lodge member share with this information with their friends and family and certainly share with businesses visited frequently.
Elk's Lodge
(Hoop Shoot, Drug Awareness, Veteran's Memorial & more)
Elk's Lodge
(Hoop Shoot, Drug Awareness, Veteran's Memorial & more)